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The Ripmo isn't just a bike; it's a legend. With multiple "Best in Test" awards and years of high level competition at the notoriously brutal Enduro World Series, it’s the ultimate trail-slaying machine. How do you improve on that? The Ripmo is loaded with new features: internal downtube storage, a flip chip for mixed wheels, a slacker head angle, and increased coil compatibility. We've also expanded our sizing options and added size-specific details—right down to the bottom bracket height. Wheel size: Sizes Small – Medium: 29-inch front / 27.5-inch rear Sizes X-Medium – X-Large: 29-inch *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The Ripley AF is our beloved, category-defying, short-travel, singletrack-scorching Ripley - rendered in aluminum, with more aggressive geometry. All the sizzle and pop of the carbon Ripley, now available as a complete bike at a wallet friendly price.
$2,249.00 - $3,599.00 $3,599.00 Up to 38% Off
The Ripmo AF (Aluminum Frame) brings the award-winning performance of the carbon Ripmo to a wider, rowdier audience. It’s everything we love from the carbon Ripmo, plus a few tweaks. IT'S METAL Over our long tenure from moun­tain biking's awk­ward ado­les­cence to its cur­rent any­thing-shred­dy era, we've exper­i­ment­ed with steel, alu­minum and tita­ni­um—remem­ber the Bow-Ti, the first super­bike? We remem­ber the met­al times too, and it feels good to offer a pre­mi­um ride expe­ri­ence to our broad­en­ing fam­i­ly of rid­ers, cour­tesy of durable, afford­able alu­minum alloy. MODERN GEOMETRY With a steep, 76-degree seat tube angle and a rangy but not stratos­pher­ic reach, the Rip­mo AF places rid­ers cen­tral­ly and upright over the bot­tom brack­et. It makes for an effi­cient posi­tion that can go the long haul with­out plac­ing too much weight on its slack, 64.9-degree head­tube angle. A 44mm reduced-off­set fork is more sure­foot­ed on steep descents and stead­ies high speeds. Bet­ter up, bet­ter down. DW LINK Since 2005, we've part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru Dave Wea­gle on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, which has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing. AIR & COIL COMPATIBLE The Rip­mo AF is com­pat­i­ble with both coil and air shocks due to a more pro­gres­sive lever­age rate. It allows for coil's lin­ear­i­ty to thrive and we spec air shocks with tunes that pro­vide pop with­out feel­ing too harsh. On the trail, it gives the sus­pen­sion a sup­ple feel through­out the entire­ty of the stroke, enhanc­ing trac­tion no mat­ter how deep you dig. 2.6" TIRE CLEARANCE Ibis helped pio­neer the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion, which inspired the new crop of wider 2.4"-2.6" tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra-low pres­sures which results in elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing straight line speed. PICK YOUR SIZE We use words like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it's easy to under­stand, but our ultra-low stan­dovers give you the abil­i­ty to size your frame based on reach and preference. LONG DROPPER POST What's bet­ter than a drop­per post? A longer one. Our frames are designed to accom­mo­date the longest drop­per posts pos­si­ble. Rid­ers over 5'8 (or 173cm) can eas­i­ly run a 185mm drop­per post, while folks between 5' and 5'8 (152cm-172cm) can use a post 125mm or longer depend­ing on inseam length. REMOVABLE ISCG05 MOUNT Our option­al ISCG 05 mount is there if you want it, remov­able if you don't. SEVEN YEAR WARRANTY We stand behind our prod­ucts. If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Our alu­minum frames are backed by the same 7 year war­ran­ty and excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice as our car­bon products. - Image is representational and may differ from build spec
$5,299.00 - $7,299.00 $7,299.00 Up to 27% Off
What if we took everybody's favorite bike and made it a little slacker and little longer? Hell, what if we made it more progressive and coil compatible? And that's exactly what we did for the Ripmo V2S. Active ingredients include: 29" wheels, berm-defying cornering tendencies, and a love for long rides. GEOMETRY The Rip­mo and Rip­mo AF share the same steep, 76-degree seat tube angle and a rangy but not stratos­pher­ic reach, which places rid­ers cen­tral­ly over the ped­als. It makes for an effi­cient posi­tion that can go the long haul. The slack 64.9 head­tube angle and 44mm reduced-off set fork doesn't wan­der while climb­ing, and doesn't hold you back descend­ing. It works - all day up, all day down, all day in between. REVISED SWINGARM The Rip­mo V2S fea­tures a new UDH dérailleur for max­i­mum future com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and moves to a 55mm chain line. The wider chain line allows for a stiffer chainstay. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high-speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. COIL COMPATIBLE The Rip­mo V2S is com­pat­i­ble with both coil and air shocks due to a more pro­gres­sive lever­age rate. On the trail, it gives the sus­pen­sion a sup­ple feel through­out the entire­ty of the stroke, enhanc­ing trac­tion no mat­ter how deep you dig. DROPPER POST CLEARANCE Mo' drop­per, mo' bet­ter. On small frames, you can run 125 - 150mm, pend­ing your pref­er­ence and inseam length. Our short­er seat-tube lengths and low stan­dovers allow you to choose your size based on your reach preference. TIRE CLEARANCE You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but what­ev­er you run, know that you're not lim­it­ed by width. BUSHINGS Tired of hit­ting "pur­chase" on anoth­er set of bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we use bush­ings where they make sense, and bear­ings where they don't. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter, stiffer, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We believe so strong­ly in them, we back them with a free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON FOR EVERYONE All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride per­for­mance - no mat­ter how much you spend. The Rip­mo weighs a svelte 6.25 lbs with a DPX2 shock and com­plete builds start at 28 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side, should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out, a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. REMOVABLE ISCG MOUNT So, you're too fast for nar­row-wide chain reten­tion on its own? Chal­lenge accept­ed. Our remov­able ISCG tabs allow shred­ders to bolt on a chain guide, while the rest of us can shave grams. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­ple-yet-ele­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful.
Wheels Manufacturing hangers are stiffer than almost any OEM hanger, which improves durability and shifting performance. - OEM hangers are only produced by a handful of manufacturers, mostly in Taiwan and China. As a result, you will see many bikes with exactly the same hanger. Bicycle manufacturers may make mid year changes. Please use the hanger photos to select the proper hanger for your application. - These hangers DO NOT INCLUDE attachment hardware with the exception of QBP # FS1561 (DROPOUT 399) - CNC machined 6061 aluminum - Made in the USA
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